mardi 15 juillet 2014

Audi R8 gets final updates Model 2015

Audi R8 gets final updates Model 2015
Audi R8 gets final updates Model 2015

Announced that the Audi R8 car will get new updates on a simple model of 2015, in preparation for disclosure. The model will be available in 2015 R8 new choices of colors for Foreign Affairs, and covers brakes in red.

Inside, Vstadhav Audi new options of skin color and patterns of different, including the skin lining, and Alcantara carvings Diamond, characterized class R8 V10 availability exhaust system new of its own, in addition to package high performance sports will be unveiled later this year. Did not reveal the Audi what will be available in the package, but stressed that it will be produced in a limited way.
Mahrakat did not get any changes in the Model 2015.

R8 comes with the basic car V8 engine capacity of 4.2 liters and power of 420 horsepower. The category R8 V10 comes with a V10 engine with a capacity of 5.2 liters and power of 525 horsepower.
Then class R8 V10 Plus the same category the previous engine and 550 horsepower, but strongly.

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